Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Day

They really enjoyed opening gifts in the new pjs that  Grammie got them. Santa brought them the jeep they had been wanting.  They couldn't stop sitting in it (that's all they could do since it took 18 hours to charge the battery-oops).  Anyways, they finally got to drive it, but weren't too sure on the steering and stopping before hitting something (we had to drive it inside since it has been so snowy).

Rylyn also got the tinkerbell dress that she asked Santa for thanks  to Great Grandma Joanne. She loved it so much she didn't want to take it off...she even wanted to sleep in it.  Carter got plenty of use out of the basketball hoop Grandma Jodi got athlete in the making.

Christmas Eve

Christmas eve with the Giarrusso family...the kids had a blast opening gifts and seeing each other dressed up.  The kids really seem to enjoy the kid table and are able to handle it.  The food was great and I think we all ate way too much--such yummy treats!  Family photo time--we tried to get a pic of all of us with the timer on my camera...lots of red eyes that I couldn't fix-sorry!  Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

MORE Snow!

We have had tons of snow this year and the girls are loving it...we still need to invest in a sled...for now the rubbermaid tub is all we have.

Monday, December 21, 2009

xmas dresses

The girls were so excited to try on their Christmas dresses, but wouldn't smile for the camera in them--they looked so serious in every one! They did enjoy looking through the Toysrus holiday booklet though...planning what Santa should get them.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Carter got a big girl bed

Carter has been climbing out of her crib the switch happened sooner than we were ready for. She was really excited to see her bed (since it is just like her big sisters) and jumped all over it. But when it was bedtime, it was a different story. She will NOT stay in her bed, will not. She lays down, gets tucked in, says night night, and then out she comes. She will hopefully get the hang of it...keep your fingers crossed for all of us.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Halloween Party

We had a Halloween party for the cousins on Halloween and went trick-or-treating. It was a cold evening and the kids were sugar packed! Carter was getting really good at saying tick o cute. We even had some of the adults dress up this year..way to go family members!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Snow Day!

Snow day! I got two days off work due to the storm--fun times in the snow with the girls. Carter wasn't so sure about the snow...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

We went to a pumpkin patch to find the perfect pumpkins. They loved the mini farm at the patch and running through the fields of pumpkins!