Friday, May 28, 2010

Carter turned 2!

Oh my gosh--our baby has turned 2 already!  She is beginning to be such a big girl.  She really enjoyed eating her birthday cake and opening her presents.  Rylyn picked her out some toys and of course Rylyn thinks they are hers.   Carter's favorite present was her new baby doll--she loves babies right now. 

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Our 1st Garden

So we decided to tackle a garden box this year.  We have never done one before so we are learning as we go.  We have done some research as to what to do and what to plant, but we'll see how it goes.  Johnny did a lot of work constructing the garden box and boy is it pretty.  We then hand mixed the "special" organic dirt and prepared the box for plants.  We chose some seeds and seedlings to start the garden.  We planted some lettuce, peppers, herbs, carrots, broccoli, and zucchini...I guess time will tell how we did.  The girls enjoyed helping dad put in the seeds and water the garden.  Carter really enjoys picking the leaves off the plants...oh the joys

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Birthday Time!

Yes, I have turned another year younger...we celebrated this weekend by going out to dinner with friends and family and also went to a dueling piano bar.  It was a fun evening and a late night for us-we don't do many of those anymore.  I also took my bday off from work and spent the day getting some more than needed pampering time :).

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

The girls had a blast planting and picking flowers for Mother's Day. They gave me hugs all day--such sweet girls! We had a busy weekend. We planted in our backyard on Saturday and then went to Grandma Jodi's house for lunch on Sunday. We played in her yard and got some great pics. We then went to Aunt Angie's house on Sunday evening for a BBQ for Grammie. It was a fun filled Mother's Day with all of the Mammas!