Sunday, December 19, 2010

Where are the Rest of the Reindeer?

We took the girls to go see two reindeer at a nursery in town.  The girls weren't too sure about the reindeer...they weren't the friendliest.  Carter did try to get close to them, where Rylyn wanted nothing to do with them.  Rylyn was concerened though when she only saw two and asked, "Where are the other reindeer?" 

Getting into the Holiday Spirit

The girls have been so excited for Christmas.  They loved getting the house and tree decorated for the holidays.  The ornaments are the hit this year.  They can't seem to leave them alone...everyday the ornaments seem to be rearranged!  They ask every night on the way home from work to drive around the neighborhood to look at the lights.  They are so cute singing xmas songs in the car and pointing out every house we drive by.  They got to make gingerbread houses too and what a hit those are.  They look at them daily and want three pieces off of their houses each night after dinner.  So precious and fun.

Rylyn's Christmas Performance at Preschool

Rylyn just had her holiday performance at her preschool.  She was a gift in the show and got to wear a big red bow around her.  She had a speaking part all by herself and she nailed it!  She had the longest part: she had to say, "God's love is the best gift we can give at Christmas and since God he lives within us, all we really need to give is...ourselves!"  She did it perfectly.  We were so proud!