Tuesday, August 2, 2011

CA trip

We made a family trip out to CA to go to my cousin Grady's wedding.  Before the wedding we made a few pit stops.  First we went by Huntington Beach to have lunch and let the girls see the ocean--they could not get enough of the sand and the water--way too much fun.  We stayed at a fun themed Disney hotel and the girls really loved sleeping together on the sofa bed.  The next day we stopped by a little place called Disneyland with the girls.  They had the time of their lives.  We rode as many rides as they could and had a wonderful day there.  They loved the tea cups, dumbo, peter pan, and its a small world.  They got to meet Goofy, Mickey, Pluto, Ariel, and Belle--boy were they excited.   Then we went up to Thousand Oaks to see some of my oldest friends.  We stayed at Gina's house and got to meet her 13 week old son Liam.  My other friend Kim and her husband came up to visit us too.  I finally got to meet her daughter Emmy-it is so fun to see my friends with their children and being mommies--I remember when we were all that little and some of the funny pics of us at their age!  Then we went to Palmdale to meet up for the wedding.  It was a nice ceremony and fun being there with the fam.   Boy, were we exhausted and what a fun family trip!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Buckets of water

The girls love anything they can do with the water.  This was their favorite thing to do over the summer.  They would fill up whatever they could find, put their water toys in the water, spray each other while filling buckets, cry because they got wet, and then come in soaked from head to toe.  Oh the days of summer.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Bedroom Updates

Rylyn and Carter each got new bedspreads for their big girl rooms this summer (we were trying to get them excited about going to school and being big girls now).  We cleaned out thier rooms, donated items, gave items to cousins, and just cleaned up so we would be clutter free for the new school year. They were so excited that they got new bedding and were happy now that they had "pretty" rooms.  They cleaned their rooms and loved sitting on their new beds.  I haven't seen their rooms this clean since, but oh well. 

Saturday, July 16, 2011

5k with Lesli

Lesli and I ran in the Fort Collins Public Radio 5k in July.  Lesli is a new runner and wanted to run her first race over the summer.  We had been running together over the summer to prepare for her first big race.  We were getting up and meeting to run at 6:00am three days a week and keeping each other accountable.  We ran the race together and finished in 33 minutes.  Great job Lesli!  We rewarded ourselves with a little iced coffee beverage after the race. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Backyard summer fun

The girls love filling up the little pools in the yard and playing with their toys at home.  We had quite a few days this summer just chilling in the yard.  They also took swim lessons and got some practice going underwater and doing back floats.  Carter really did not like putting her face in the water and was a bit of a challenge to the swim teacher-she kept saying, "I don't want to."  Rylyn on the other hand, was the perfect swim student.  They both liked the lessons and were much more confident when we went to the neighborhood pools.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Girls weekend

Rena and I went down to Denver for a girls night away.  We went to Canvas and Cocktails to paint these beautiful pictures...yes we know, we are true artists!  We had way too much fun and lets just say, there is some of my mimosa in/on my painting.  We walked around the Denver Art Festival, shopped at the Cherry Creek mall, and ate way too much sushi.  We stayed in a very nice hotel, wandered the bookstores of the 16th street mall in Boulder, and then literally shopped till we almost dropped.  It was a fun weekend, but man was I exhausted after our getaway! 

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Pump It Up bday party

The girls had a joint bday party at Pump It Up.  They love all of the jumping castles and the inflatable things to play on!  They had a blast!  They ate cupcakes and opened presents there and said good bye to their friends.  Then we went back to our house to have a pizza lunch with the family.  It was a nice gathering and was a beautiful June day.  They girls were so wiped that day from all of the festivities and excitement, they took long naps and went to bed early.   

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Rylyn's 5th bday

Rylyn celebrated her 5th bday with a pink Barbie cake and a birthday hat.  She couldn't wait to eat her cake!  Carter picked out a mermaid for her sister and Rylyn also got a pink hello kitty bike--they were so excited to ride their matching hello kitty bikes around the neighborhood with dad(Carter loathes getting her picture taken-sorry, I still try).

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rylyn's PreK graduation

Rylyn graduated from her Pre Kindergarten class.  She was so excited to wear her painted red, white, and blue shirt with her cap.  She did an awesome job singing American songs and we were so proud of her.  We joined her after the graduation and had a Chik-fil-a picnic in the school gym.  Carter wanted so badly to get up there and sing with her (they had both been practicing the songs together). 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Carter turns 3!

Carter was so excited to turn 3!  She picked out her Ariel cake, wanted to wear her zebra dress, and put on her sequin pink bow headband to top it off!  She was super excited to open her presents and got her very own new hello kitty bike (she was so happy that it was hers and not another one of Rylyn's hand-me-downs.)  Rylyn and her also had a joint bday party at pump it up--too fun!

Friday, May 13, 2011

My 32nd bday

We had a nice gathering with the family for my bday and Mother's day...I am getting old is all I have to say!