Sunday, August 15, 2010

My First 5K Run

Us, after the race, in our cool bright yellow race shirts
Yes, I have to confess, I am becoming a runner.  I have been running for the last few weeks because I entered a 5 k race with my old teaching partner (she just ran a half marathon)!!  She has been helping me to stay motivated and learn to love running.  Its safe to say that I don't LOVE running by any means yet, but it is not the worst thing in the world either.  So on Sat we met early at the race and ran it together.  The whole time she kept convicing me I could do it and, yes I did finish. We completed the race together and I was proud that I met my goal of finishing a 3.1 mile run.  I finished by running slow and steady...I'm not out there to beat anyone, just to get some exercise. (33:30 was my time, see slow and steady said the tortise to the hare).  The actual race was a fun experience and fun to do with a friend. I think I would like to do another and now I will have to try to convince Johnny to do one with me too. Who knows, maybe some day I will write again telling you all how much I LOVE running...hhhmm, maybe.


  1. That's awesome Stephanie, I'm proud of you!:) We're coming to town the weekend of Sept 10th, see you soon.

  2. Congrats cousin! I love to run as well. That is how I managed to loose weight when i started my gluten free diet. I am so proud of you! I am too chicken to enter a too slow!
