Saturday, November 13, 2010

My 1st 10k!

We look like twins in our black outfits!
Yes, I have completed my first 10k, 6.2 miles...don't know why exactly I wanted to do this to myself, but I did.  The only reason I think I actually did it was because I had two running buddies help me prepare for this event.  We ran in the Heart Center of the Rockies race on November 6th.  It was beautiful weather for November and the course was around a pretty lake.  It wasn't bad until about mile 5 when I wanted to be done.  I ended up completing it in 1 hour and 5 minutes...(I never said I was fast) and Johnny and the girls were there to see me cross the finish line.  6.2 miles was long enough for me...don't have the urge any time soon to run any further than that.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Halloween Fun!

The girls were afraid of the scary pirate (uncle Bryan)

Carol and Grandpa (picture above) Grandpa and Brinlee

Dad and Mom
Jason, Julie, and the girls (Uncle Jason had scary hands too)!
We had a Halloween get together with the kids and their cousins.  My grandpa Glenn and his wife Carol were in town and got to see the children at their wildest!  We ate some italian food, went trick or treating, and called it a night...that was a lot for all of us on a Sunday night!  Rylyn was a princess, Carter was a ladybug, Kyla was a cheerleader, and Lauren was a cowgirl riding her horse.  So fun!
Rylyn, Rena, and Owen
Myself and my Blind Ref

Monday, November 1, 2010

Fall Fun

Dad and Rylyn getting ready to leave for dad's day...of course it was a rainy, muddy day for a pumpkin patch!  They still went and enjoyed the rain with a few donuts and a nice pumpkin souvineer (see pic below).

Rylyn so happy about her "star" pumpkin she found at the pumpkin patch with dad.  We all got a good laugh out of it!

At Rylyn's preschool, the girls got to visit the petting zoo and pet bunnies, cows, sheep, goats, and donkeys.

Also at Rylyn's preschool, there were pony rides.  Carter got to ride her first pony.  She was so little up there that I had to hold her leg to get her to stay on the pony.  She enjoyed the bumpy ride.

They both wanted to go (after our 45 minute wait) on another ride when they finished.