Saturday, November 13, 2010

My 1st 10k!

We look like twins in our black outfits!
Yes, I have completed my first 10k, 6.2 miles...don't know why exactly I wanted to do this to myself, but I did.  The only reason I think I actually did it was because I had two running buddies help me prepare for this event.  We ran in the Heart Center of the Rockies race on November 6th.  It was beautiful weather for November and the course was around a pretty lake.  It wasn't bad until about mile 5 when I wanted to be done.  I ended up completing it in 1 hour and 5 minutes...(I never said I was fast) and Johnny and the girls were there to see me cross the finish line.  6.2 miles was long enough for me...don't have the urge any time soon to run any further than that.

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